NSmen using self-service kiosks for in-processing and out-processing. All they have to do is scan their identification cards, and they will be given their mobilisation slips with the equipping details.
There was a time when we used to have so many individual devices - calculators, MP3 players, torch lights, radio players and alarm clocks. Now, most of us have all of these integrated in one device - our smart phones. Similarly, in the recent mobilisation exercise, Our Army also adopt a ‘One-Stop’ Mobilisation and Equipping Centres (MECs) facility which enables mobilised NSmen to report and be equipped at a single location.
This streamlined process has reduced the preparation time and manpower required for units to be ready for operations through structural and information technology improvements. DSTA Defence Science and Technology Agency managed the conceptualisation, design and development of these facilities, enabling the Army to achieve seamless integrated mobilisation operations and a high level of readiness.
Click on the album to find out more!
Album by: CPL Bryan Tan and CPL Benjamin Lim (Army News)
NSmen going through equipment inspection and force preparation training on soldier fundamentals prior to operations.
Ammunition is now delivered by the SAF Ammunition Command to the MECs instead of the activated unit. 20-foot trailers are now used instead of 5-ton vehicles which reduces the total number of vehicles and manpower needed, hence saving time. The newly designed containers with unique features such as the side opening capability to allow immediate access to any pallet, and locking mechanism that removes the need for lashing belts, thus enabling quicker retrieval of pallets.
The storage facility for vehicles have been equipped with the Controlled Humidity Environment system for the preservation of platform. It also allows for electronic systems to remain on-board the platforms during storage, which will then translate to higher readiness.
This enhanced One-Stop MEC allows the Army to equip our forces within a shorter time.
Selarang MEC also adopts green technologies such as these solar panels - they utilise renewable energy as an alternate power source to the MEC.
Apart from this, light intensity controls and motion sensors are installed at common areas such as toilets and staircases to save electricity.
To reduce water usage, a dedicated storage container with a filtration system is also built within the MEC to channel used water into the container for recycling.
With the integration of technology in the One-Stop MEC, mobilisation processes have vastly improved and Signaller, CPL (NS) Shentil Samugam can attest to that. “Previously, in-processing and out-processing were too labour intensive. We had to go through admin officers which made the process much slower, resulting in long queues. Now, the process is much more efficient, and the focal point and energy can be shifted to something more important, like equipping. Instead of doing so much paperwork, we can be activated and immediately mobilised on the spot.”
“It’s like Terminal 4 - everything is automated,” said Infantry Trooper, LCP (NS) Song Jun Liang, Lionel, 790 SIR. LCP (NS) Song was elated to see that the mobilisation process is now made more seamless thanks to the enhanced One-Stop MEC. With the integration of technology, in-processing is no longer manned but automated. “The time saved is really beneficial to us NSmen. I am happy that MINDEF has altered their system to improve efficiency and meet our needs.”
With the one-stop MEC, Platoon Commander, LTA (NS) Muhammad Hafiy Bin Abdul Karim, 790 SIR could see the vast differences between the mobilisation process in Selarang MEC compared to other processes back in camp during In-Camp Training. “Everything you have to do is in the same place – our soldier fundamentals training, field packs inspection, planning, briefing and even the boarding of vehicles is right here too. The process is very organised as well – there are signs telling you what the next step is, making the transition between steps very smooth.”
Attesting to the efficiency of the enhanced one-stop MEC, Head Supply Hub East, MAJ Pak Chun Hua shared that, "These enhancements allow us to do more with fewer people, as we become more efficient with shorter turnaround times, but still maintain the operational readiness required. We are translating the administrative time required to equip soldiers during mobilisation into time to allow them to focus more on their operational readiness."
新加坡武装部队展开近年最大动员演习 8000人参与 (2018年1月27日)
★ ★ ★ ★
Casey Chao
不如把我們狗房部上面的垃圾都換掉 直接聘請他們的上層單位來帶好了 直接大換血 把混吃等死 垃圾 人渣和內賊通通拿掉 重新出發來得快又有效率 也沒有過渡時期的陣痛 達到快速新建軍的大改造第一步
外防突擊 內防突變~
以色列/瑞士 不管中立國/熱區 大家都知道~
上文承蒙 Casey Chao先生同意,引用他的「臉書」系列文章,特此致謝!
新加坡軍隊近距離作戰演習 拋出遙控偵察機器人
新加坡陸軍第3師成立45週年 展示所有精銳裝備