姓名 / 暱稱:Rudolf Wang
張 貼 主 題:曼斯坦元帥談軍人與政治(中英對照)
張 貼 時 間:2002/09/05 03:06
關於軍人跟政治,想請大家看曼斯坦元帥(Generalfeldmarschall Erich von Manstein)的兩段話。第一段是在他身為頓河集團軍司令時,情況爛到極點(其實情況爛是希特勒自己擺爛的結果)的時後;第二段話是他在回憶錄中談到他對於暗殺希特勒事件的看法。
"The first point is that a senior commander is not more able to pack and go. …… The soldier in the field is not in the pleasant position of a politician, who is always at liberty to climb off the band-wagon when things go wrong or the line taken by the Government does not suit him. A Soldier has to fight where and when he is ordered. There are admittedly cases where a senior commander cannot reconcile it with his responsibilities to carry out an order he had been given. …… No general can vindicate the loss of a battle by claiming that he was compelled - against his better judgement - to execute an order that led to defeat. In this case the only course open to him is disobedience, for which he is answerable with he head. Success will usually decide whether he was right or not."
(Hitler's Generals (Correlli Barnett, 1989), P. 234)
"As one responsible for an army group in the field I did not feel that I had the right to contemplate a coup d' état in wartime because in my view it would have led to an immediate collapse of the front and probably to chaos inside Germany. Apart from this, there was always the question of the military oath and the admissibility of murder for politifcal motives. As I said at my trail,: 'No senior military commander can for years on end expect his soldiers to lay down their lives for victory and then precipitate defeat by his own hand.'"
(Hitler's Generals (Correlli Barnett, 1989), P. 243)
Barneett, Correlli, Hitler's Generals, 1989, Grove Weidenfeld, New York
(這本書麥田出版有中譯本,但是原文被節錄,而且原書的參考書目也不見列舉。) <<<<中文翻得不太,好請見諒 !>>>>
- Sep 05 Thu 2002 17:31